Now We Know

Village, poplar, cyclist, cherry

Polar bear coffee hard drive

Father's day card on a mantlepiece

New art near the window

Japanese garden in progress

Peripheral kaleidoscope of green leaves

Books on shelves fairy lights

Hawthorn tree swaying in the breeze

A field of green

Water bottles on bedside chair

Deep pink wall; aged, tasseled lampshade

Jacob sheep, rolling hills, wooded valley

Green wind breathing

Green wall with bare hanging nails

Green corner house

Hedge fence trees cloud horizon

A Landscape Painting above Modern Literature

Tanker out to sea

Plie of obsolete technology

Moorland patterned with burnt squares

Curved shades of green against flint

Scaffold tower, metal fence, valley

Grey cloud blue

Woodland canopy, happy cockapoo, verdant green

Computer, speakers and window

Two colliery images on a distant wall

Button white square screw

Bush sign post hedge pavement wall

If you want to take part in a continuation of 'Now We Know' see the Participate page